First off, this wonderful little man. September 5th he entered my world and I know it will never be the same, he is so wonderful. I always wanted to be a mom...and then when it came right down to it i was really scared, and now that i actually am i love it. He makes it an easy job. He really is a happy baby.
Ten things I love about Cash at 4 months:
1. He is super smiley and giggles all the time.
2.He loves his dad and loves to play.
3.He is SO close to rolling over but his dang little arm gets in the way, its so funny.
4.He is chubby.
5.He is Mr. Independant. He won't let me hold him like a baby or rock him to sleep anymore...which is kinda bitter sweet because I miss it. But it is nice.
6. He is so alert and smart.
7. He loves the book "What Can Simon Be?" Thanks grammie!
8. He is obsessed with pulling his bink out of his mouth and trying to get it back in the right way, he still hasnt figured it out haha.
9.He loves to play in his bouncer that santa brought him
10. He yells at me when i leave the room....he kinda likes having me around.
So that has taken up the biggest chunk of my life for the last little while, not to bad i'd have to say. Other than that I have been trying to craft every chance I get, Keeping my house borderline clean, keeping up with laundry and bills, and just trying to be the best little housewifey i can! Cash is at the stage where I have a little bit more time so I hope to get some projects done in the next few months. I did do quite a bit for Christmas. But now that they are out of site I feel like I haven't done anything in months. I also painted my living room, brown and green big suprise, and have some home projects i'd like to get done.
Well this is starting to be a rant but I just wanted to catch up a little bit. I PROMISE you will hear from me again soon.
With love,
Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! I'm so glad to see you've updated your blog! Keep it up - curious minds want to know! I love you and miss you! And.............HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you, my sweet girl! Hope it's the best ever!
AND........ Casher is ADORABLE!
Hi. Came over from Katie Cupcake to read your blog and say Happy Birthday!
I too just recently restarted blogging and often wonder about the same things you do. I'm writing this but is anyone going to care?
I have about 4 regular readers. But it's okay. I'll keep plugging away.
I care I care! I want you to blog so I can see what you are up to and picutres of that cute little nephew of mine! Keep it up! Love ya!
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