Cash is finally here! He was born Saturday September 5th at 10:53am. He was seven pounds two ounces and 19 and 1/2 inches long. At my Dr. appt tuesday I had very little progress and with my due date two days away that was discouraging but thursday night I started having contractions around 9pm timing 8 minutes apart. I thought for sure I would end up in the hospital that night. But they didnt get any closer together! So i had contractions all that night all day Friday and finally went into the hospital at one am on saturday morning when my contractions were 4 minutes apart and i was already dialated to a 3. By 5am i was at a 4 and at 9 i was at a 6 and the dr broke my water. At 10 I told the nurse to check me because i was feeling pressure....and i was ready to push! I started pushing at 10:20 and he was here by 10:53! It was an amazing experience and I was just overwhelmed with happiness when he was finally in my arms.
He is such a good baby, eating every three hours around the clock but sleeping very good at night. He hardly ever cries. He has blue eyes. He wrinkles up his forehead when he opens his eyes really wide. He loves to sleep in his carseat and sit in his little soothing vibrations chair. He scratches my back with his long little fingers when i burp him and he already snores when he sleeps. He looks like his dad and loves to sleep on shanes chest. He loves his little hands and sucking on his fist. I told Shane what did we do before this little guy? Our lives were so boring!
Here are some pictures in no specific order, Enjoy....

Sitting in his little chair that he loves

Proud Mamma

Sweet little guy.

5 days old. He has the longest fingers!

In the hospital he would just grip my finger, like he was saying Hi mom!

First smiles are the best.

Right after he was born catherine took this picture on her phone and I love it.